FAQs for Dinlog Curcuma:
1.Query: What is Dinlog? What is Curcuma?

Answer: Dinlog is the brand name. Curcuma is the product name. Curcuma is also known as Haldi in Hindi and Turmeric in English and Manjal in Tamil. It is a ginger family root and plant is bushy type growing up to 2 feet high and cultivated in farms.


2. Query: The product appears just like water without any taste or smell. It appears like clear water without anything in it. Why? How it is called a product?

Answer: Yes. It appears like clear water without any taste or smell. But it contains extracts of Curcuma Rizhome in nano quantities and works extremely well like taking 2 spoons (4 grams) of Turmeric powder   with food. Nobody can take more than half a spoon of Turmeric powder with food without side effects. But Dinlog Curcuma gives the benefit of  intaking large quantity of Curcuma without side effects. So it is called a product.


3. Query: It appears like just water. Why it is priced at Rs.270 for 100ml or Rs.495 for 200ml?

Answer: The MRP is Rs.270/100ml or Rs.495/200ml. But this 100 ml bottle can be used for 17 days when you take three spoons a day. The health benefits are amazing more than any known products viz. local or international body slimming products.  After using the product for even for 10 days no user will complain it to be a costly product. The benefits derived are too much compared to the price of the product.


4. Query: What are the side effects?

Answer: There are no known side effects as this is just a food supplement. No side effect has every been received in the past. A few persons complained of body heat built up. Such persons are advised to take twice a day instead of three times a day.


5. Query: What are the benefits?

Answer: Please do a search in www.google.co.in for the benefits of Turmeric. It is very rich in Vitamin A and is good a very good anti Oxidant and has anti Cancer properties. This is good for improving eyesight and for skin. Many middle aged men and women and old aged persons have benefited very much by using this product. Please read Typical Feed Back for users comments about the benefits derived by taking Dinlog Curcuma.


6. Query: What happens if only one dose is taken daily instead of 3 doses as advised?

Answer:  Only some health benefits is achieved but body weight reduction is not achieved. For reducing body weight the body must be heated up to burn up the cholesterol built up in the body over many years. To achieve weight reduction the user is advised to take 3 times a day one spoon Dinlog Curcuma with 170~180ml water after food. Body start loosing fat in about 15 days and weight reduction is achieved in 8 weeks.


9. Query: What happens if product is discontinued?

Answer: Nothing happens. The body will start gaining weight with in a few months of stopping Dinlog Curcuma. One can take this product continuously for 30 days and give a gap of 7 days and continue again.

It is also advised to give a break of 15 or 30 days after using Dinlog Curcuma for 3 months as too much body heat is built up. But this heat is good for health.


8. Query: Why Dinlog Curcuma is called a Food Supplement?

Answer: Anybody can take Dinlog Curcuma. A product which can be taken only by persons suffering from particular disease is called a medicine. This is just a Food Supplement only as this gives good health.


9. Query: Can we get this product in our Town?

Answer: One can get this product anywhere in India. We are yet to export this product to other countries. If there is not Dinlog Agent / Dealer in your Town you can directly place order with us and purchase from us and we shall be glad to dispatch the goods by RPP or through Courier to your address. Minimum order value is Rs.500 [and the Packing and Forwarding (Courier/Postage) of Rs.100 is free in that Rs. 500]. Please refer to Enquiry and Order Form for this purpose.